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Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Imagine a Bulldog With An Attitude Necklace?
It's a cute gift idea for the people who love bulldog. There are 5 different products about bulldog; mugs, necklace, t-shirt, and shot glass. As it describes on these products, "bulldog with an attitude', it represents the dog perfectly. If anyone who loves bulldog, they will love them as a gift.
It's interesting to learn that Bulldog has an extremely cruel background. Its main purpose for the breed was to fight bulls and originated from ancient Mastiffs according to the Encyclopedia Britannica. The Bulldog still has some of the mastiffs' ferocity and aggressiveness in its appearance and its masculine look of the face and body can mislead us as such. However, if you have any experience with a Bulldog, most of them are very cuddly and sweet dogs. Its comical expression often makes us smile and the bulldog, in general, has reserved manner of quiet and patience. Its willingness to please the owner and good with children makes them a wonderful pet but some can be hostile towards strange faces and unfamiliar dogs. It is also known for one of the favorite domestic animal companions in the US.
Friday, June 16, 2017
Be Aware of Apoquel, Anti-itching Allergy Med For Dogs!
Our dog tends to have an allergic reaction once or twice a year. For some reason, her allergic and itching have gotten worse since we moved from Southern California to Southern Utah 2 years ago.
She was doing okay for the 1st year, her itching seemed in control. But the 2nd year came around, her itching and allergic reaction had gotten so bad that around her eyes become black and swollen. Her eyes look like Panda eyes. There was no more hair on all of her paws and they look as though she was wearing black boots.
We first took her to a vet hoping to stop her misery. Unfortunately, her vet didn't have a definite answer for the cure as other vets we had visited before. For a temporary calming remedy, we gave her Benedryl as our vet advised. It did the trick for a short time but her itching became worse than before. So less than two weeks we had to visit her vet again to find out anything we can do for our dog. This time, our vet was excited to introduce Apoquel to us for stopping all her itching and allergy problems. On top of that, we were told that there is no side effect.
Hallelujah for Apoquel! That's what we thought for a while. It was a miracle pill. As soon as she took the first pill, her itching was visibly less and gradually it stopped within a few days. We were so ecstatic about this miracle medicine and told about it to anyone who asked us about our dog.
We made sure that we have Apoquel on hand at all times. However, our joy lasted about 5 months. Apoquel's miracle healing stopped and she started having a fever all over her body and ear infection in her left ear. She couldn't sleep at night because of her fever and pain. Consequently, we were awake with her hoping that her misery of pain could be less and be comforted. Meantime, we were searching any information online about the side effects of Apoquel and we found many articles about it. The symptoms of the Apoquel's side effects were similar to our dog's reaction to the med.
For the next day, we visited her vet as an emergency but were told that Apoquel is safe treatment and isn't the problem. Our vet suggested that we should change her shampoo and her food. So we bought a new shampoo, a bag of new food, antibiotic and ear drop medicine for her infected ear at the vet. Without any positive news other than changing our dog's shampoo, food, ear drop and pills from the vet, we stopped at the Petsmart and found a pet food made out of Bison meat. Thinking that our dog would like a variety of her food repertoire. As any pet owner would do, our efforts to do anything for our dog went into overdrive.
As soon as we got home, we attempted to give her bath hoping that her new shampoo could ease her itching problem. But her response to the new shampoo was so horrific with her screaming, we had to wash her off immediately.
After a week or so, there was no sign of improvement on our dog's health, we decided to try a different vet who was recommended by our friends. For our amazement, new vet requested us to bring all of our dog's medicine and shampoo. After the vet examined our dog and her meds and shampoo, he suggested that we should consider a steroid shot and throw away everything we had. Our dog had the shot once in CA and she did fine without a side effect. So our dog got the shot and new ear cream injection drops. We made sure to trash all her previous med, ear drops, and shampoo in the trash on the way out of the vet. Since then, it has been a month, our baby dog is doing better and her itching has been stopped.
We've got our dog back and our experience with Apoquel wasn't pleasant and hope that other dog owner should research about the drug first and make the best decision for their dog.
Monday, February 08, 2016
Shiba Inu Dog Picture
We moved to Utah from California a year ago, along with our Shiba Inu dog. Climbing a rocky hill is her favorite thing to do. She loves to stop and looks down once in a while on her way to the top. We love to watch her climbing the rock as much as she enjoys it. You should see her when she reaches at the top of the mountain, her smile and proud look.
Considering she never had an opportunity to climb a rocky mountain before, she adopted its new environment quickly. She enjoys her morning walk several miles a day. Chasing new creatures; roadrunner, rattle snake, jack rabbit, chip monks, scorpion, and cotton tail, etc. during her walk, gives her new meaning of her life. Her new experience has been exciting. She runs around like a poppy even though she is 13 years old.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Cool Dog and Cat Pictures
Recover from the Grief of Pet Loss
How To Emotionally Cope With The Death Or Loss Of A Pet.Click Here!
This butts for you, Kitties!!

This is my big day as a Grand Marshal. Hope people notice me.

We are happy when we are together.

Size doesn't matter!!

How To Emotionally Cope With The Death Or Loss Of A Pet.Click Here!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Pet First Aid
First Aid for Your Pet
Our pets can suddenly become ill or injured. Some of us do panic and don't know what to do when it happens. It's important not to self-diagnose your pet's symptoms. You must first determine the situation what happened and when, and if your pet is feeling worse, better or the same since the incident occured.
Here is information about First Aid for your pet and tells you what to do when your dog or cat becomes injured or ill.
Stablize Your Pet
It is important to stablize your dog or cat's injury or illness before getting your pet to a veterinary clinic. Some simple first aid can provide a necessary and life saving treatment until medical help can be reached.
Stay Calm
You must stay calm. If you panic, so is your pet. When you are calm, you can describe the situation or the incident accurately to your veterinarian, who can then better assess your pet's condition.
Ask Help While You're Administering First Aid
While you are focus on administering your pet's injury, such as applying pressure to a wound to help stop the bleeding or evaluating the best way to carry your pet without causing further pain or injury. Ask others to call your veterinarian.
Find Our Your Pet's Temperature
Identify your dog or cat's body temperature. The normal body temperature for dogs and cats is 100 to 102.5 degrees.
Handle With Care
It is very important to restrain an injured dog or pet. It's not only for your safety but for your pet as well. Muzzle a dog unless he is unconscious, has difficulty breathing, or has a mouth injury. However, muzzles can inhibit their breathing and create additional distress.
For Example:
Broken Bones: Limping or favoring a limb
1. Muzzle your dog or use an E-collar for your cat and manipulate his head away from you while placing him in a padded carrier.
2. Got to the clinic immediately. Pelvis fractures may not be readily apparent.
Burns: Sign of burns or ingested toxin-Drooling, pawing at his mouth or swallowing excessively
1. Restrain your pet. Flush burns with cold water or apply a wash cloth cooled with ice water.
2. Take your pet to the nearest clinic within the hour or immediately if electrocution was the source of injury. Bring the chemical agent with you, if possible.
External Bleeding: Hemorrhaging
1. Restrain your pet for your safety and your pet's protection. Apply thick gauze on the wound until bleeding stops. If bleeding is severe or a limb is hemorrhaging, apply a tourniquet between the wound and the heart.
2. Go to the clinic immediatey.
Internal Bleeding: Blood in urine, coughing blood, bleeding from the nose, mouth, ears or rectum, or pale guns, collapses or has a weak or rapid pulse.
1. Keep your dog or cat warm and as quiet as possible. Find out if your pet responds when you call your pet's name.
2. Go to the clinic imeediately.
Find out more information at:
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Save a pet and Adopt a Dog
There are 7 million adoptable pets are killed each year according to Save-A-Pet.com. The numbers are growing because the families in foreclosures abandon increasing numbers of pets in recent months.
Are you looking for a dog?
According to the many shelters and dog rescue organizations, there are 20-30% of dogs for adoption in public shelters are purebred. The other 70-75% of dogs are lovable, wonderful mixed-breed dogs, just waiting for a chance to be your perfect companion.
If you are looking for a dog, the shelters and dog rescue organizations help match you up with the perfect dog for adoption. If you have your heart set on a specific breed, Breed dog rescue groups that specialize in a particular breed of dog and chances are, you can find your purebred dog for adoption right in your area.
Many people think that shelters and dog rescues are filled with pets that were discarded because they’re “bad”. On the contrary, most dogs for adoption are potentially wonderful companions that became the victims of irresponsible owners who impulse bought a puppy from a pet store or breeder and didn’t give dog adoption the careful thought it requires.
Information from Save-A-Pet.com
For adoption information, visit www.1-800-save-a-pet.com