Monday, February 08, 2016

Shiba Inu Dog Picture

Shiba Inu Dog Picture

We moved to Utah from California a year ago, along with our Shiba Inu dog. Climbing a rocky hill is her favorite thing to do. She loves to stop and looks down once in a while on her way to the top.  We love to watch her climbing the rock as much as she enjoys it. You should see her when she reaches at the top of the mountain, her smile and proud look.

Considering she never had an opportunity to climb a rocky mountain before, she adopted its new environment quickly. She enjoys her morning walk several miles a day. Chasing new creatures; roadrunner, rattle snake, jack rabbit, chip monks, scorpion, and cotton tail, etc. during her walk, gives her new meaning of her life. Her new experience has been exciting. She runs around like a poppy even though she is 13 years old.


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